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On The Menu: Our Chefs Share Their Dishes for Christmas

Christmas day is drawing closer and it is time to start prepping that menu!

We asked our team of culinary experts for the dishes that get a spot on their table.

Here are the recipes close to their hearts:

Miche Loaf

Recommended by:
Simon Van Bentum, Head Baker

A rustic, nourishing loaf with a thicker crust and tighter crumb due to the whole wheat and rye flour.

“We always like to have bread somewhere on the table at Christmas time and a Miche loaf makes plenty to pass around.”

Try it for yourself! Miche Loaf recipe
Image credit: Maurizio Leo 


Recommended by:
Bernd Brademann, Executive Chef

A traditional German treat eaten in the festive season made from a spiced biscuit mixture covered in a thin layer of white icing. These biscuits get their distinct taste from the unique blend of spices including ginger, cinnamon, clove and white pepper.

“I was born in Germany and these have been a part of our Christmas as long as I can remember – there is always a tray of these on the table.”

Keen to try? Pfeffernüsse recipe
Image credit: Kimberly Killebrew

Chicken Mole Tamales

Recommended by:
Kit Carpenter, Culinary Curation

Tamales are a traditional Mesoamerican dish made from masa and steamed in a corn husk. Mole is an incredibly rich and deep sauce made from charred vegetables, seeds, nuts and raw cacao.

‘My fathers side of the family is from Mexico and we like to pay homage to traditional food, especially around Christmas time. Making mole can be time consuming, so it was always a holiday treat.”

Add it to your spread. Chicken Mole Tamale Recipe
Image credit: Maggie Unzueta

Rocky Road

Recommended by:
Victoria Sanderson, Head of Pastry

Rocky road is a no-bake, chocolate dessert filled with sweet add-ins. It’s a crunchy, textural delight that can be modified to your taste.

‘My mother and I always make a rocky road together in the holidays. It’s easy and versatile and you can add in basically whatever you like.”

Ready for dessert? Rocky Road recipe
Image credit: Bake Play Smile